Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Are you looing for a way to display your hosuehold linen? Fine linens? Why not have a tea party? Invite a few guests over, and set out your linens that you rarely use.

Often you hear household linens being referred to as "napery." A little history on the word - back in the 1350s to 1400, the word nape, or a variation of nappe tablecloth was used. Credit now is given to the Anglo-French use of the work "naperie" which simply means napkin. Over time, household linens took the name napery. If you are using your fine napery, you are throwing a party using the fine china and linen.

We at Fancy That like to share our linens with everyone! Parties are only one way we display our napery. We also set our napery in displays throughout the Shoppe. Soon, we will be hosting "Tea At Two Event Series" where we will be having Afternoon Tea and a guest speaker/presentation. We are excited to be showing off our new and exciting napery as well! Please do consider joining us for one of our Tea At Two Events.

In the meantime, break out your linens, dress your tables, invite a few friends over and show them you fine napery! Cheers!

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